James Winfield
About me

About me

So a bit about my human side. I am logical and kind of creative – integrity, loyalty and honesty are absolutely key to my soul.

You’ll always be able to have a conversation with me on politics, economics or the stock market – but also football, travel, maybe cricket if I’ve been engaged recently. Oh and definitely on food.

You might find me at a pub on Sunday having a roast dinner, perhaps at a modern art exhibition or theatre, or a really good restaurant – I’m quite knowledgeable on London’s food scene but never eat out enough. Then again, I’m good at cooking and always try to cook 2-3 new recipes a week.

I’m very much about trying new things. New pubs, new restaurants, new holiday destinations – recently I was in Skopje in North Macedonia, for example, a little off the usual track. Though I did live in Spain for a few weeks last November…that was bliss!