My First Client…Hopefully!
My First Client…Hopefully!

My First Client…Hopefully!

I’ve been studying lots recently – benefit of having a month-long detox and not going out drinking!

I’m slowly getting towards the point of having a portfolio, so I can start applying for my first junior web developer job – but it seems I may have inadvertently ended up with my first client too.

A colleague of mine asked me what I thought of her partner’s website for his small business.

I won’t name and shame but quite frankly, the design reminded me of a Ryanair plane and the website itself was customer-unfriendly and not at all appealing.

I gave a list of constructive criticisms, just to be helpful.  I wasn’t trying to get any business.

A week later, he has asked me to rebuild his website.

It’s only a small job – financially not worth it for anyone but a junior, but having an actual client will help me vastly in my development by having to think about what the client wants, as opposed to doing whatever takes my fancy.

There are more questions than answers right now as to how to proceed, but my first step is to outline my proposal to him, then if he agrees, do the basic framework – check he likes the design when it is on-screen, then complete it.

I’m rather excited, it seems that slowly the pieces are coming together, and all this time spent studying, practicing, coding – all these weekends staying in, all the sacrifices I’ve made, may finally be about to start bearing fruit.

Who knows – the website itself may garner further leads.  Though I’m not counting any chickens until I have a finished website and and running for him.

I will indeed be a web developer.

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