One has to admire the irony that my life seems to beach itself in.
Just this morning I wrote how I was tempted to give up the job hunt and set up my own business – I was getting to the end of my tether with the process, especially recruitment consultants.
I also said some time ago that I was not going to cut my hair until I got a job – but yesterday I caved in and sorted it out.
So, of course, this means that in beautiful irony, I was offered a job today.
I am going to be a junior front end software developer for a rather exciting, yet established start-up. I say exciting, it isn’t in the sexiest industry in the world (my application to Victoria’s Secrets didn’t go anywhere), but it is a solution that I wish had been out there several years ago as it would have massively helped me a while back. It is a logistics service that helps people out, a great idea – and to me, that is exciting. I think the company has sizable potential to grow.
I’ll say more about the company another time, once the dots are crossed and stuff.
Workwise I will be looking after their main WordPress site, there will be some CSS and stuff to do, and then working on various coding tasks that are on their to-do list – I’m guessing more nice to haves in some cases. It’s a good job that I’m pretty damn good on WordPress now.
The other 20% will be learning the senior developer’s role so I can look after his work when he isn’t there, which will mean learning Angular and PhoneGap – two technologies that I have never touched, though I have started learning React (which has similarities to Angular). And I love learning new technologies.
It is a month’s trial. So if it doesn’t work out then I may well open my own business instead. But I will be doing everything in my power to ensure it is a success. I want this role, the company is ace, the people are cool – and I get my own t-shirt so I hear. And it is casual dress.
It is the salary I was after, it is on the Metropolitan line so nice and easy to get to, slap bang in the centre of the world’s most exciting city too.
And no recruitment consultant was required. Yes it was the company that asked me the aeroplane on a treadmill question in the interview.
The hard work over the last few months has finally paid off. No more recruitment consultants. No more worrying about whether I can afford a beer. No more not being able to go to people’s birthday celebrations. No more worrying about whether I will get a job. No more staying in bed until whenever I fancy…oh…
Roll on Monday!