A while back I applied for tickets for a job fair in London called Silicon Milkroundabout.
I didn’t think I’d get a ticket, being a novice, yet I have. And then I decided I wouldn’t go because I my portfolio isn’t finished, I don’t have any work-experience, etc etc. And most of the roles advertised are senior roles – only a couple of junior roles.
I was persuaded otherwise by the same person I was supposed to go on a very pleasant country walk with yesterday. So I cancelled on her and had a very frustrating and miserable day trying to fix the bits of my websites that I hadn’t previously completed.
I did at least just about finish my weather forecasting website, bar two issues that I was completely flummoxed on.
So I asked for feedback.
And boy, did I get feedback.
No fewer than 16 criticisms on a website I thought was almost finished.
So now I’m feeling pretty down and it feels like I am further away than ever from my goal of someone taking a chance on me as a junior web developer.
I was supposed to get up this morning at 7am to crack on. It’s now 11am. I’m going out at 1pm. I have no idea how I will get my websites into a presentable enough form for next Sunday. Or whether I should ever bother going – am I going to make a fool of myself?
Time to channel my inner reserves of indefatigability.